Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Are Handwritten Thank-You Notes Still Appropriate?

A BIG YES! Very few candidates do this anymore, and in today's job search, you need to set yourself apart. Given that each job posting receives 300 to 400 applications (okay, maybe fewer with niche type jobs), but the fact that you even got an interview from the mass of applicants is certainly worth a pat on the back! Now, don't lose it!

You had the interview, you impressed the interviewers, you left them a mini-portfolio (you did right?!)...What if you are up against a candidate with similar qualifications and personal fit.... the hiring manager can't quite decide just yet... then, he/she receives your thank-you card... wow. That sends a personal statement of how much you want that job. You took the time to sit down and write a personal thank-you note to the interviewer. You thank them for the opportunity to discuss your qualifications. You describe in detail how you can fit into the position and take on the challenges of the job, support the company's mission, incorporate yourself into the department - whatever came out of that interview, you personally speak to it. Then, in closing, you ask for the job.

It shows your interest and that you are serious about joining that company. If you don't get the job, don't fret. You never know what the hiring manager is looking for. I'm sure you were qualified, but perhaps they found a candidate with a more closely matched personality fit for their dynamic. But don't stop writing those thank-you notes... it really is appreciated by the interviewer and sets you apart from the masses.

Sometimes it may be appropriate to send an "email" thank-you, but coming from my experience in recruiting and human resources, I rather prefer a handwritten thank-you note. If, during your interview, the interviewer mentioned that he/she will be making a decision the next day, then send an email thank-you. But if you are in the beginning stages, and they are interviewing candidates over the next few days, certainly send that personalized, handwritten thank-you note!

If you need assistance, please check out my website at - I can write one for you for a small fee.... perhaps I will include a sample of a thank-you note in another blog post...

Happy Job Hunting!